For unfinalized CDRW discs only.
You can erase:
- Tracks can only be erased from the end.
- With the EASY JOG you can erase more tracks.
Note: It is not possible to erase tracks within the
- It is also possible to erase the entire disc at once.
TToo eerraassee oonnee oorr mmoorree ttrraacckkss ffrroomm tthhee eenndd::
Press ERASE once.
➜ The display shows the number of tracks and their total
playing time. ERASE TRACK and PRESS RECORD
lights up.
•If the disc is finalized,
appears on the display after
inserting a CDRW in the recorder. The recorder will ask you
to confirm unfinalizing first. Confirm by pressing the EASY
JOG/ENTER key or ENTER on the remote control.
Select the track(s) you wish to erase by turning the EASY
JOG/ENTER key to the left.
➜ The selected track numbers start blinking on the track
➜ The display shows the remaining time after erasing the
selected track(s), the shown track will also be included
in the erasure of tracks.
➜ The display shows the total countdown time and
➜ After the selected track(s) have erased, the display
shows the remaining tracks and their total playing time.
TToo eerraassee tthhee eennttiirree ddiisscc::
Press ERASE twice.
➜ The display shows the number of tracks and their total
playing time. ERASE DISC and PRESS RECORD
light up.
• If the disc is finalized,
appears on the display after
inserting a CDRW in the recorder. The recorder will ask you
to confirm unfinalizing first. Confirm by pressing the EASY
JOG/ENTER key or ENTER on the remote control.
2 Press RECORD.
➜ The display shows the total countdown time and
ERASE The complete disc will be erased.
Erasure of a complete disc may take up to 15 seconds.