Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 5 USS-720
Instant USB
September 1999 USB-to-
1284 Bridge
Lucent Technologies Inc. 5-21
1284 Port (continued)
USS-720 Control Register
Table 28. USS-720 Control Register
USS-720 Control Register Address: 7
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol Discon.
int mask
int mask
Bulk In
int mask
Bulk Out
int mask
int mask
Reserved Compress
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
Bit Symbol Bit Description
7 Discon.int
Disconnect Interrupt Mask. This bit masks the generation of an interrupt on the
detection of what appears to be a disconnection of the peripheral from the parallel
port. Disconnect is detected when the Peripheral Logic High signal changes from 1 to
0, or when all parallel port lines driven by the peripheral are high for a long period of
6 Change
int mask
Change Interrupt Mask. This bit masks the generation of an interrupt on the detec-
tion of a transition on any of the parallel port lines driven by the peripheral.
5 Bulk In int
Bulk In Interrupt Mask. This bit masks the generation of an interrupt when Bulk In
data is available for reading by the host.
4 Bulk Out
int mask
Bulk Out Interrupt Mask. This bit masks the generation of an interrupt when the Bulk
Out data path goes empty.
3 nFault int
nFault Interrupt Mask. This bit masks the generation of an interrupt falling edge of
nFault when Mode is set to 011 (ECP Mode).
2 Reserved Reserved. This bit must always be written to 0.
1 Compress
Compress Enable. This bit enables automatic hardware-based RLE compression of
outgoing data, for use in ECP with RLE Mode. If software desires to use this feature,
this bit should be set before attempting to send data. This bit must be cleared for
proper operation in ECP (without RLE) Mode.
0 Auto
Auto Mode. Setting this bit puts the chip in fully Automatic Mode. When set, USS-720
can handle all communications with the peripheral with no assistance from software,
and all registers except the USS-720 Control Register are read only. Clearing this bit
enables write access to the other registers and disables all automatic operation,
provided that none has yet taken place.