5-18 Lucent Technologies Inc.
Instant USB
Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 5
1284 Bridge September 1999
1284 Port (continued)
EPP Address Register
EPP Data Register
Table 24. EPP Address Register
EPP Address Register Address: 3
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default X X X X X X X X
Bit Symbol Bit Description
7—0 A7—A0 EPP Address. This register is equivalent to and operates in the same manner as the
EPP Address Register in a standard host-side parallel port controller chip. The
register is writable when Auto Mode is 0 and the Mode field in the Extended Control
Register is set to 100. A write to this register initiates an EPP address write transfer
on the parallel port. The register is always readable. When the Mode is set to 100, a
read access will initiate an EPP address read transfer on the parallel port, and the
value returned will be the address value read from the peripheral. Reads when not in
Mode 100 will return whatever value has been previously latched, but will not have
any effect on the parallel port.
Table 25. EPP Data Register
EPP Data Register Address: 4
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default X X X X X X X X
Bit Symbol Bit Description
7—0 D7—D0 EPP Data. This register is equivalent to and operates in the same manner as the EPP
Data Register in a standard host-side parallel port controller chip. The register is writ-
able when Auto Mode is 0 and the Mode field in the Extended Control Register is set
to 100. A write to this register initiates an EPP data write transfer on the parallel port.
The register is always readable. When the Mode is set to 100, a read access will
initiate an EPP data read transfer on the parallel port, and the value returned will be
the data value read from the peripheral. Reads, when not in Mode 100, will return
whatever value has been previously latched, but will not have any effect on the
parallel port.