DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Initialization and Recovery
Page 4-9Procedure for SPE-Down Mode
* The “MAINT” designation is used for PR-MAINT.
Display for SPE-Down in a High or Critical Reliability System:
**************SPE DOWN MODE************
You can display alarms [a|b] and reset system(4) [a|b].
Screen 4-2
shows only one SPE-Down alarm in a high or critical reliability system
after entering the display b command:
Screen 4-2. Display Alarms (one SPE-Down)
A standard reliability system tries to restart itself every 20 minutes. A high or
critical system tries to restart itself every 10 minutes.
The first step is to determine the location of the problem. It is possible for two or
more circuit packs to have failed. It is also possible for a fatal problem with one
circuit pack to affect another circuit pack. This is especially true for the Processor
and Memory circuit packs, where a failure in one affects the other. All three of the
following methods should be employed to determine where the fatal fault lies.
1. Use display alarms command:
Issuing the display alarms [a | b] command at the administration terminal
shows where maintenance thinks the problem lies. The alarms are a good
indication of why the system went down. They should be used with the
following two methods.
2. Observe red LEDs:
Observe the red LEDs on the circuit pack to determine where software or
processor firmware (LMM) had a problem.
3. Use the reset command:
In 286 system, issuing the reset command (Standard Reliability system) or
the reset [a | b ] command (High or Critical Reliability system) causes the
system to attempt a reset system 4. Observe all the diagnostics on the
screen, and note if the LMM has a problem with any of the diagnostics, as
this information should give a good indication of where the problem lies.
Physical Logical On Alternate Alarm Date Date
Name Name Board? Name Type Alarmed Resolved
------ PROC_BD y ----- MAJOR ------ ------