If the PassageWay Link Test fails, note the error number and refer to
the next section, "Troubleshooting Connect."
If all tests pass successfully, run the TAPI-compliant application.
3. Verify that you have an up-to-date version of the PassageWay
firmware in your 8411 telephone or PassageWay adapter. You must
have an up-to-date version of the PassageWay firmware before you
can use any TAPI-compliant applications.
If you have a Callmaster VI telephone, you cannot update the
PassageWay firmware.
To verify the PassageWay firmware:
a. Select the Start button.
The Start menu appears.
b. Select Programs.
c. Select the application folder that contains the PassageWay Service
Provider. (The default application folder is PassageWay for
d. Perform one of the following steps:
If you are using Windows 95, select PassageWay Connect.
If the Connect button appears at the bottom of your screen, the
PassageWay firmware is up to date. Close Connect.
If a dialog box appears informing you that the PassageWay
firmware is out of date, choose the Yes button to load (or "pump")
the new PassageWay firmware to the 8411 telephone or
PassageWay adapter. Follow the on-screen prompts to "pump"
the new firmware. When you are finished, close Connect.