Problem 13: The Drop Last button does not function properly in the
Conference Manager.
If you use the Conference Manager, it is possible that you may encounter a
problem using the Drop Last feature in the Conference Manager window.
After a conference is established and parties drop off of the conference (that
is, the far end party leaves the conference), the Telephony Manager
Conference Manager will not update to reflect just the parties that remain on
the conference. Additionally, if all but one of the parties drop from the
conference, you are no longer in a conference. However, the Conference
Manager is still not updated. The problem that exists here is that pressing the
Drop Last button will act peculiarly if you are using the speakerphone. It will
drop the party to whom you are talking and then go back off-hook.
Problem 14: Starting conferences from your telephone.
The conference will be tracked by the Telephony Manager except Drop Last
in the Conference Manager may not work properly. To ensure that Telephony
Manager handles conference calls properly, you should establish the
conference using Telephony Manager.
Problem 15: Incoming calls are treated as outgoing calls.
A few types of calls that you might consider to be incoming calls are actually
treated by Telephony Manager as if they were outgoing calls. These include
internal auto-answer, call pickup, and answer back (for parked calls). The
impact is that they will not pop Telephony Manger on ringing, nor cause
Phonebook or Notes to pop on answer (if these options are set). Also, in Log
Manager, these calls will show up as outgoing calls.