System Capacities
Page C-1
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
System Capacities
This appendix provides some information about the hardware and software
capacities for the system. Environmental requirements for the control unit and
power and grounding requirements are contained in the
Equipment and
Operations Reference
You can configure the system as a standalone unit or as part of a private network.
Maximum system capacities are as follows:
■ Up to 108 simultaneous two-party conversations
■ Up to 80 line/trunk jacks, including loop-start, ground-start, DID, and tie
■ Up to 255 extension endpoints that support a combination of the following:
— Up to 255 physical extension jacks for telephones and adjuncts
— Up to 127 logical digital data ports (through 7500B data modules
connected to jacks on the MLX module) providing RS-232 connections
to data terminals and personal computers
■ System call-handling capability of 3828 hundred call seconds per hour
■ Up to three 100D DS1 modules
■ Up to five 800 NI-BRI modules (Release 4.0 and later only)
The system has a total capacity of 335 jacks (80 outside lines/trunks plus 255
extensions); however, each MLX module extension jack supports two logical
endpoints (extension devices that can operate simultaneously and independently
of each other). For example, an MLX telephone with a Multi-Function Module
(MFM) plugs into one extension jack, but the jack supports both the telephone and
the equipment (for example, a fax or an answering machine) connected to the