MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Features and Applications
Page 4-55Applications
When you add or change extensions in your system, you may also need to
change Facility Restriction Levels (FRLs), the calling restriction feature of ARS.
This is not difficult, as long as you refer to the FRLs already programmed for
facilities on the system. Consult the system planning forms noted above, as well
as the
Feature Reference
System Programming.
System Management Features 4
The system includes features for which the system manager is responsible and
features that help the system manager do his or her job. Features for which the
system manager is responsible are detailed in the Feature Finders earlier in this
chapter and in the feature descriptions above. Use the
Feature Reference
as your
source for further details about all these features.
Features that help you in your work are listed below.
■ Reports. Review the Station Message Detailing Recording (SMDR)
feature for information about the calling and programming reports you can
get from the system. When your system is installed, your Lucent
Technologies representative should see that an SMDR printer is attached
to the control unit for printing these reports. A list of the available reports
and how to access and print them is included in ‘‘
Using Reports’’ on page
■ Programming. Programming is not really a feature, but you use it to
facilitate most aspects of your job when a change to the installed system is
necessary. Centralized telephone programming allows you to program
extensions with headsets, program Barge-In for operators, and change line
button assignments at extensions. You can also use centralized telephone
programming to program features and buttons at individual extensions,
rather than having users do this themselves. You can copy line button
assignments and features from one extension to another.
To program the system, you need an MLX-20L telephone, preferably with a
DSS. System programming comprises much of your work of this type, and
is outlined, along with centralized telephone programming, in
Chapter 6, ‘‘
Managing the System’’, provides useful information about the
programming and tasks required for common system management duties. The
section below describes applications that can help you manage the system.
Applications 4
The system allows you to take advantage of various call-handling and system
management add-on software and/or hardware products (applications), including
voice mail and messaging; call accounting and reporting; and call management,
call distribution, and reporting.