DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
Upgrades and Additions for R8r
Issue 1
April 2000
Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware
6-110Add a Switch Node Carrier (High or Critical Reliability)
1. Shut down the AUDIX assembly and allow the disk to completely spin
down. Refer to
‘‘DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures’’ on page 6-141
Neglecting to shut down an AUDIX assembly before powering down
the system cabinet where it resides can damage the AUDIX disk.
2. Unseat the AUDIX assembly from its backplane connectors.
Power Down System
1. At the PPN, set the main circuit breaker to OFF.
Remove Doors and Panels and Disconnect Cables
1. Remove the front door from the multicarrier cabinet where the switch node
carrier will be installed.
2. With the cable retainer in front of you and the part number visible, locate
the slot that is almost vertical. (This slot is adjacent to the part number.)
Insert a flat-blade screwdriver with a wide blade (1/4-inch recommended)
into the slot, and twist the screwdriver. The retainer will snap open easily
so that the cable can be removed.
3. At the cabinet, disconnect the previously labeled cables associated with
the carrier to be removed.
4. Remove the rear doors from the cabinet.
Remove Circuit Packs from Port Carrier D
Skip these steps if a switch node carrier is being added to an empty carrier
1. To ensure that circuit packs and power units in the “D” carrier are properly
replaced, label each component with its slot number.
2. Disconnect the power cords from the power units in the “D” carrier.
3. Remove all circuit packs and power units from carrier “D.” Store the circuit
packs in the static-proof packaging.
4. Remove the circuit pack blanks from slots that do not contain circuit
5. Remove the front trim plate from the “D” carrier by pulling it straight off.