DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
Upgrades and Additions for R8r
Issue 1
April 2000
Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware
6-86Add a Control Carrier (Add Duplication)
Prepare New Control Carrier B
1. Visually inspect the new carrier for any damage. Verify that the backplane
pins are not bent.
The enhanced R8r PPN AC carrier may look different than the other
carriers because it comes with 16 new grounding jumpers and 8
mounting screws.
2. Place the control carrier on the floor so that the rear of the carrier faces up.
3. Verify that the 2 AHF111 processor-bus (PX) terminators are installed on
the “B” carrier to the pin-field blocks marked “PX” (top portion of slots “4”
and “10”). The PX terminators are attached with the components on the
left side as viewed from the rear.
Install New Control Carrier B
1. Install the J58890AP control carrier in position “B” by lining up the plastic
alignment tips on the top rear of the carrier with the screw holes in the
cabinet. These alignment tips will support the carrier while the screws are
being replaced. Ensure that the power cords are properly placed in the
slots at the sides of the carrier.
2. Fasten the carrier into position with 4 self-tapping screws saved from the
removal of the old carrier.
Carefully realign the threads on the self-tapping screws by turning
them clockwise 1 turn before tightening them to avoid stripping the
threads out of the framework.
3. Behind the carrier, replace the 2 screws saved from the removal of the old
carrier. These are frame ground screws.
4. Connect the “P1” (small) connector to the “B” carrier. To get enough slack
in the cables, cut the tie wrap holding the intercabinet cable from the
upright in the area being installed. Snap the connector lock into place to
ensure the connection is properly made.
5. Connect the 8 ground straps from the “C” carrier to the new “B” carrier
Figure 6-29
). These straps were left connected to the “C” carrier
when the old “B” carrier was removed.