Private Networking Features
Issue 5 January 1998
Multimedia multiple-port network
In R6, the expansion to multiple-port networks required a distinction between G3r
and G3si. For G3r, R6 supports the equivalent of 580 Basic mode complexes
operating at 6CCS traffic level. All enhanced mode complexes operate with
soft-mode service links since the use of hard-mode service links reduces capac-
ities. G3si limits are 1/3 to 1/2 of the G3r limits, depending on memory limitations
and port network limitations.
Call Detail Recording (CDR)
The service-link architecture provides for conversion between one or more data
calls and a multimedia or voice-only call. For calls originating from a data end-
point or trunk, the service-link calls terminate on a meet-me user representing the
actual voice or multimedia user to whom the call is routed. For calls originating
from a voice or multimedia user, the service link calls are originated from a
meet-me user representing the originator. On the multimedia or voice-only side,
the data endpoint or trunk is represented by a “multimedia” user.
CDR for Service-Link Calls
Separate CDR records are generated for each data call comprising a service
Private Networking Features
The great expandability of DEFINITY ECS makes it a logical choice for setting up
private networks. Consequently, the system includes many private networking
Centralized Attendant Service
Enables attendant services in a private network to be concentrated at a central
location. Each branch in a Centralized Attendant Service has its own listed direc-
tory number or other type of access from the public network. Incoming calls to
the branch, as well as calls made by users directly to the attendants, are routed
to the centralized attendants over release link trunks.
Distributed Communications System
Distributed Communications System (DCS) allows you to configure 2 or more
switches as if they were a single, large DEFINITY ECS. DCS provides attendant
and voice-terminal features between these switch locations. DCS simplifies dial-
ing procedures and allows transparent use of some of the DEFINITY ECS fea-
tures. (Feature transparency means that features are available to all users on
DCS regardless of the switch location.)