A-28 Issue 5 January 1998
Security Violation Notification
Security Violation Notification (SVN) allows you to set security-related parameters
and to receive notification when the limits that you have established are violated.
You can run reports related to both valid and invalid access attempts. You can
also disable a login ID or remote access authorization that is associated with a
security violation.
Send All Calls
Allows users to temporarily direct all incoming calls to coverage regardless of the
assigned call-coverage redirection criteria. Covering users can temporarily
remove their voice terminals from the coverage path. The feature is activated and
deactivated via a button or access code.
Station Hunting
Routes calls made to a busy extension to another extension. To use Station Hunt-
ing, you create a station hunting chain that governs the order in which a call
routes from one extension to the next when the called extension is busy. Each
extension in the chain links
only one subsequent extension. An extension may
be linked
any number of extensions, however.
Station Security Codes
To provide additional security around the customer options the “init” login has
been provided with additional security for the purpose of establishing an authen-
tication procedure for attempts to remotely log into the system.
Telephone Self Administration
Allows you to program feature buttons on 6400-series telephones yourself.
Temporary Bridged Appearance
Allows multiappearance telephone users in a terminating extension group or per-
sonal central office line group to bridge onto an existing group call. If a call has
been answered using the Call Pickup feature, the originally called party can
bridge onto the call. This feature also allows a called party to bridge onto a call
that redirects to coverage before the called party can answer it.