The GlobalNav 310 has several menus
and commands listed under the “Sys-
tem Setup” label on the main menu.
These commands affect the basic op-
eration of the unit. To use them, press
the MENU key, then highlight the “Sys-
tem Setup” label. Press the right arrow
key. The screen shown at right appears.
You can turn the speaker off. Turning the speaker off also turns off the
audible portion of the alarms.
To turn the speaker off, highlight the “Sound” label on the “System Setup”
menu as shown above. Now press the left arrow key to turn the speaker
off. Repeat these steps to turn the speaker on. Press the EXIT key to
erase this screen.
To adjust the display’s contrast, highlight the “Cont” label on the “System
Setup” menu as shown above. Press the right or left arrow keys until the
screen’s contrast is best for the lighting conditions. Press the EXIT key to
erase this screen.
Units of Measure
The GlobalNav 310 can show its data in many different formats. For ex-
ample, distance can be displayed in statute miles (MI), nautical miles
(NM), or kilometers (KM).
The following can be changed on the Units of Measure menu: (Defaults
shown in bold)
Distance .................. miles, nautical miles, kilometers
Speed ..................... miles per hour, knots, kilometers per hour
Bearing ................... magnetic, true
Altitude .................... feet, meters
Clock ....................... 12-hour (a.m.-p.m.), 24 hour
Position Format ....... degrees, minutes, and thousands of a minute
degrees, minutes, seconds
standard military grid reference system
alternate military grid reference system