Turning Power On
To turn the GlobalNav 310 on, simply
press the PWR key. A screen similar to
the one at right appears. Read the mes-
sage on the screen, then press the EXIT
key to erase it. The GlobalNav 310 is now
ready for use.
Most of the Lowrance View’s adjustments and features are found on
“menus”. Pressing the MENU key lets you view the menus. Different menus
items are added to the basic list, depend-
ing on which mode (plotter, navigation,
or windows) the unit is in. This gives you
the features that are specific to the mode
you are in, but also has items that are
used on all modes.
Using the arrow keys moves the black
box to highlight different menus on the
list. Pressing the right arrow key selects
the menu.
To erase a menu, press the EXIT key.
Finding Your Position
Cold Start
When the GlobalNav 310 is turned on for the very first time, it doesn’t
know where it is, nor what the local time or date is. If you tell it your
position, time, and date, the unit will take much less time to lock-on to the
satellites and give you a fix or position.
However, if you don’t want to push buttons at this time, that’s fine. The
GlobalNav 310 will lock onto the satellites and give you a position without
any input from you. This is called a “cold-start”. It simply means that the
unit is searching without help for the satellites that are in orbit. A cold-
start can take up to 2 minutes to acquire enough satellite data to deter-
mine your position, although it typically takes less time than that.