
Navigating with OBS Hold
AirMap contains an OBS Hold feature to help you navigate along a radial
from a location. You must first turn on navigation to a location before you
can access OBS Hold. While running a route or navigating to a waypoint,
you launch OBS Hold from the HSI Page; just press the right or left arrow
to initiate it.
You must be navigating to some destination to begin using OBS
Hold. Usually this will be a VOR, or some other Aviation Waypoint
in the Jeppesen database. See the entry Searching later in this sec-
tion if you need help finding and setting up navigation to a waypoint.
In the example below, Air Traffic Control contacts the pilot flying south
across Oklahoma and warns him of a dangerous storm ahead. To avoid it,
they instruct him to fly out on a radial of 235° from the nearby VOR "ADH."
To use OBS Hold:
1. From the HSI Page, while navigating to something, press or .
2. A window will pop up asking you if you want to activate OBS Hold.
Press |
ENT. Use or to change the OBS Hold radial until it
reaches the angle you need. Press to decrease the angle, press to
increase it.
Left, pilot navigating to VOR. Center, HSI Page with OBS Hold menu. Right,
HSI Page with OBS Hold activated. Note data box in the
bottom right corner showing OBS direction instead of Course. This image
shows the pilot has passed the VOR and is flying from it.
The navigation data will now begin showing directions along the OBS ra-
dial instead of toward your original destination. The white arrow behind
the airplane icon indicates you are navigating FROM a waypoint. Re-
member that you can change the radial of OBS Hold using the right and
left arrow keys. Press to decrease the angle, press to increase it.
OBS Hold
data box