Wait Condition: waitCond,waitCondTime,timeUp,endWait
This section explains the point job data commands for waiting until the sensor (connected to
#genIn2) comes ON. These commands belong to the category [Wait Condition.]
Command Parameter
waitCondTime Period for Time Out Waits for conditions for a certain period.
timeUp - Executes when time is up.
endWait - End of WAIT command
Wait Condition
waitCond - Waits for conditions.
Wait Condition commands are invalid at the CP Passing Point or a point whose Base Type is
CP Passing Point.
Be sure to put condition commands after “waitCond” or “waitCondTime.”
waitCond … endWait
: Wait until conditions are met.
e.g.: A workpiece exists. → Sensor (#genIn2) ON
A workpiece does not exist. → Sensor (#genIn2) OFF
ld #genIn2
Stand by in place until the following conditions are met.
#genIn2=ON (Condition)
End of the condition line.
waitCondtime … timeUp … endWait: Wait for the specified period of time until conditions are met.
e.g.: If workpieces do not come within 30 seconds, it is recognized as an error, an external lamp
(connected to #genOut2) comes ON, and the robot stands by until a start instruction comes.
To re-start running the robot, resolve the problem and press the start button.
waitCondTime 3000
ld #genIn2
set #genOut2
reset #genOut2
Wait for 3 seconds until the following conditions are met.
#genIn2=ON (Condition)
If the conditions are not met within 3 seconds,
Output ON signal to #genOut2,
Stand by in place until a start instruction comes.
Output OFF signal to #genOut2 when a start instructionis received.
End of the line for commands if conditions are not met after 3 seconds.
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot