Command Parameters Content
Control Variable,
Initial Value,
End Value, Step Value
next -
Repeats commands from “for” to “next” until the
specified variable changes from Initial Value to
End value.
exitFor -
Exits “for” sentence.
do -
loop -
Repeats commands from “do” to “loop.”
for, do-loop
exitDo -
Exits from “do” sentence.
upZ Distance, Speed Up Z Axis.
donwZ Distance, Speed Down Z Axis.
movetoZ Distance, Speed Move Z Axis.
Distance or Roatation
Shifts the specified distance (relative distance) at
the specified speed in CP line drive. (Relative
move command)
lineMoveX X Distance Relative move command in the X direction
lineMoveY Y Distance Relative move command in the Y direction
lineMoveZ Z Distance Relative move command in the Z direction
lineMoveR R Rotation Relative move command in the R direction
initMec Axis
Mechanical initialization of a specified axis
(for CARTESIAN only)
checkPos - Position error detection (for CARTESIAN only)
clrLCD - Clears the LCD display.
clrLineLCD Rows (1-13) Clears a specified line on the LCD display.
Rows (1-13),
Columns (1-40),
Character String
Displays character strings on the LCD display.
Rows (1-13),
Columns (1-40),
Character String
Displays the result of a character string
expression on the LCD display.
sys7SLED -
Returns the display of the 7 segment LED
changed by ”out7SLED” to the previous program
number. (for CARTESIAN only)
Display Type,
Display Value
7 segment LED output (for CARTESIAN only)
clrCOM Port Clears a buffer received from the COM.
shiftCOM Port, Shift Number
Shifts data received from the COM.
Deletes data from the top to the Shift Number.
stopPC - Stops PC communication of COM1.
startPC - Starts PC communication of COM1.
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot