Diagnostic Error Code FRU/Action
170-199-XXX Voltage Sensor(s) test failed, cause
1. See "Undetermined problems" on page 65
2. Flash the system and re-test. See "Flash update
procedures" on page 467
3. Replace component under function test
170-250-XXX 170-251-XXX Voltage Sensor(s) Voltage
limit error
1. Power supply
2. System board
170-254-XXX Voltage Sensor(s) Voltage Regulator
Module error
1. Voltage Regulator Module (VRM)
2. Microprocessor
3. System board
175-000-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) Test Passed
No action
175-0XX-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) failure
1. Flash system
2. System board
175-195-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) Test aborted by user
Information only Re-start the test, if necessary
175-196-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) test halt, error threshold
1. Press F3 to review the log le
2. Re-start the test to reset the log le
175-197-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) test warning
1. Make sure the component that is called out is
connected and/or enabled. See Chapter 6 "Using
the Setup Utility" on page 39
2. Re-run test
3. Replace the component that is called out in warning
4. Replace the component under test
175-198-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) test aborted
1. If a component is called out, make sure it is
connected and/or enabled
2. Flash the system and re-test. See "Flash update
procedures" on page 467
3. Go to "Undetermined problems" on page 65
175-199-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) test failed, cause
1. See "Undetermined problems" on page 65
2. Flash the system and re-test. See "Flash update
procedures" on page 467
3. Replace component under function test
175-250-XXX 175-251-XXX Thermal Sensor(s) limit error 1. Check fans
2. Check Power supply voltages
3. Microprocessor
4. System board
185-000-XXX Asset Security Test Passed
No action
185-XXX-XXX Asset Security failure
1. Flash system
2. System board
185-278-XXX Asset Security Chassis Intrusion 1. Assure Asset Security Enabled
2. C2 Cover Switch
3. System board
201-000-XXX System Memory Test Passed
No action
Chapter 7 Symptom-to-FRU Index 59