• Serial Port A Ring Detect: With this feature set to Enabled and an external modem connected to serial
port (COM1), the computer will turn on automatically when a ring is detected on the modem.
• PCI Modem Ring Detect: With this feature set to Enabled, the computer will turn on automatically
when a ring is detected on the internal modem.
• PCI Wake Up: This feature allows PCI cards that support this capability to wake the system.
• Wake Up on Alarm: You can specify a date and time at which the computer will be turned on
automatically. This can be either a single event or a daily event.
• Wake on LAN: If the computer has a properly congured token-ring or Ethernet LAN adapter card that is
Wake on LAN-enabled and there is remote network management software, you can use the Wake on LAN
feature. When you set Wake on LAN to Enabled, the computer will turn on when it receives a specic
signal from another computer on the local area network (LAN).
Chapter 11 Additional Service Information 469