Operating Manual V 1.1 – 01/2010
Sections generated may be retrieved from the specimen bath by various means.
For microscopic applications, the section may be delivered to a glass slide by aspirating the
section with a small glass dropper if doing so does not damage the specimen.
In some cases, using a fine sable brush provides more satisfactory results, since the risk of
section damage is reduced.
In other cases, the section can be transferred to another specimen bath and picked up there
using a partially submerged glass specimen slide.
The sable brush or a blunt glass rod may be used to manipulate the section while it is in the
specimen bath.
Once the section is positioned properly on the glass specimen slide, it may be adhered with
albumin or other mounting media.
Staining or other treatment, then coverslipping, may be carried out as for a typical conven-
tional section for microscopy.
After you have obtained all the sections you need, the entire area of the specimen tray should
be cleaned (refer to Chapter 6, "Cleaning").
5. Operation
5.7 Removing the sections