Operating Manual V 1.1 – 01/2010
5. Operation
The operating elements (continued)
This switch and its three switch positions (upper, center, lower) con-
trol the movement direction of the cutting head.
• Pushtheswitchupwardstostartthesectioningcycle.Thesec-
tioning blade will advance forward at maximum speed when the
switch is held at its top position.
• Assoonastheswitchisreleased,itreturnstothecenterposition.
• Thebladecontinuesthefeedmovementwiththedefaultvaluesfor
• Attheendofthesectioningwindow,themovementdirectionof
the blade is reversed and the cutting head moves back. Reversing
stops when the rearmost "ready" position is reached.
• Duringthe feedmovement, the movement directioncanbe
reversed at any time by moving the switch to the lower position.
• Likewise,duringtheretractionmovement,youcanswitchdirection
by pushing the switch upwards.
Switch position:
Upwards --> forwards
Downwards --> backwards
Rotary knob
Using this rotary knob, you can change the relative speed of the cut-
ting head (feed movement) if the DIRECTION switch is in the FWD/
AUTO REV position.
• Inthezeroposition(‘0‘),thebladedoesnotmove;inthe‘10‘posi-
tion, it is moved at maximum speed (2 mm/s).
• Forthepositionsinbetween,thespeedischangedproportionally.
Fig. 30
Fig. 31
Only the feed rate can be changed; this is also possible during
the sectioning process.
The retraction speed is always the same.