Operation RX1200 95
When RX1200 has been turned on
Type Description
Connected to
• When RX1200 is operating with the GPS1200, RX1200
acts as the control unit of the GPS1200.
Direct connection to
• When RX1200 is connected directly to TPS1200 with a
cable, RX1200 acts as a secondary control unit for
TPS1200 which additionally offers dedicated alpha
keyboard and touch screen capabilities.
Radio connection to
• When RX1220 is connected to TPS1200 via the radio
link, RX1220 acts as a remote control system enabling
operation of TPS1200 from the prism pole.
without an instrument
• When RX1210/RX1220 is activated without a connec-
tion to either TPS1200 or GPS1200, it will enter the
local mode.
• When RX1250 is activated without a connection to
SmartAntenna or GPS1200, survey independent tasks
such as COGO can still be performed.