Local Mode
Transparent Deactivates the software functionality of
RX1220, converting it into a radio modem which
can be used with RadioHandle or TCPS27B to
communicate remotely with TPS1200. Refer to
"4.11.2 Working in Transparent Mode" for more
Enables measurement data to be sent from
TPS1200, via the radio link, to the LEMO port of
RX1200 in real-time. RX1200 continues to
control TPS1200 in the normal RCS way. Refer
to "4.11.3 Working in Semi-Transparent Mode"
for more information.
<Modem:> Output Communication internally via the radio modem
or externally via the LEMO port.
<Baud Rate:> From 19200
to 115200
This field is only available when:
<ComMode: Transparent> or
<ComMode: Semi-Transparent>.
Field Option Description