If you are finished changing the settings for the cover mode,
use the M cursor key to select “End”.
Inch specifications
Metric specifications
Press the Enter key.
• If you selected “c Cover+Insert” in step 10, go to the next
step (“● Separation insert mode settings”).
• If you selected “z Cover” in step 10, go directly to step 26.
● Separation insert mode settings
The “Copy on Insert sheet?” screen will be displayed.
Select whether you want to copy onto the separation inserts
or not. If you DO want to copy onto the separation inserts,
select “Frt copy” [“COPIED”]. Otherwise, select “Blank”.
Inch specifications
Metric specifications
• If you selected “x 2-sided” in step 6 and you want to make the
separation inserts into 2-sided copies as well, select “2-sided”
[“DUPLEX”] here.
• If you selected “z 1-sided” in step 6, “2-sided” [“DUPLEX”] will not
be available for selection here.
• If “Bypass” is selected under “* Insert tray” on page 7-21, “2-sided”
[“DUPLEX”] will not be available for selection here.
Press the Enter key.
Use the numeric keys on the keypad to enter the page
number(s) that will specify where the separation insert
sheets will be inserted. The sheets will then be inserted
before the designated page.
Inch specifications
Metric specifications
If you selected “x 2-sided” in step 6, be sure not to enter the number
of original sheets; enter the total number of pages being copied on
the originals. In other words, each original should be counted as
2 pages.
If you want to specify a multiple number of separation insert
locations, use the O cursor or the P cursor key to move to
and highlight a different page # box, and enter another page
number with the numeric keys.
Continue this procedure until you have entered all of the
desired locations (Maximum: 5 locations).
Inch specifications
Metric specifications
If you are finished with the settings for the separation insert
mode, press the Enter key. The message display will return
to the “Ready to copy.” screen.
Set the originals to be copied.