
Process ECP-2E Specifications 9-11
Table 9-4 Mechanical Specifications for Process ECP-2E with FERRICYANIDE Bleach
Process Steps
KODAK Formula Temperature
* Celsius temperatures are rounded consistent with process-control requirements. Fahrenheit temperatures are primary.
(Wash Rate) per
100 ft. (30.5 m)
of 35 mm Film
For 16 mm film, use one-half the 35 mm film replenishment and wash rates. Since processing operations can vary greatly in respect to such factors as
film-to-leader ratio, squeegee efficiency, and amount of film processed per unit of time, adjustments in replenisher rates and/or formulas may be required
to maintain the recommended tank concentrations. With efficient squeegees, adjustment rates for 35 mm leader will be as low as 20 mL/100 ft.
Recirculation (R);
Filtration (F);
Turbulation (T)
Tank Replenisher °C °F
Maintain close control of developer time and temperature, since small deviations can lead to severe contrast mismatch. Use an accurate thermometer for
checking the temperature controller variability. The temperature should be uniform throughout the developer tank.
SD-50 SD-50Ra 36.7 ± 0.1 98.0 ± 0.2 3:00 690 mL R, F
, & T
@ 125 to 175 L/min
§ Use polypropylene, fiberglass, or bleached cotton as a filter medium in the developer. Viscose rayon is not recommended for prebath, developer, or
bleaches because of undesirable photographic effects.
Design developer racks with submerged rollers and rack-drive assemblies to minimize solution aeration and splashing.
** Install an exhaust over the stop tank, since developer carried over into the stop generates sulfur dioxide. Install an exhaust over the bleach tanks to
eliminate corrosion from vapors. The exhaust system should produce an air flow of 175 ft
/min (5 m
/min) for every square foot (0.09 m
) of solution surface
and provide 50 to 75 ft/min (15 to 23 m/min) control velocity over the surface of the tank.
SB-14 SB-14 27 ± 180 ± 2 :40 770 mL R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
††The wash preceding the ferricyanide bleach must not become acid enough to lower the bleach pH below 6.0. Low pH in a ferricyanide bleach can promote
the formation of Prussian blue. Keep the wash after the bleach effective enough to prevent film mottle from the reaction products of bleach carry-over into
the fixer. Two-stage countercurrent washes with squeegees between stages is recommended for stop wash. The final wash and bleach wash rates assume
the use of three-stage countercurrent washes with squeegees between stages. The wash rates given in the table assume the use of such staged washes.
Single-stage washes require substantially greater wash rates.
——27 ± 380 ± 5 :40 1.2 L
Ferricyanide Bleach
‡‡Reconstitute and reuse the bleach to obtain the full economic advantage. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery Procedures, for a procedure for regenerating
Ferricyanide Bleach.
SR-27 SR-27R 27 ± 180 ± 2 1:00 200 mL R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
——27 ± 380 ± 5 :40 1.2 L
Fixer F-35d F-35dR 27 ± 180 ± 2:40
§§Fixer replenisher requirements vary with silver recovery equipment, method, and operations conditions. If provision is made for continuous electrolytic
desilvering for the recirculated fixer, the silver concentration should be maintained between 0.5 and 1 g/L. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery Procedures,
for details. The fixer and replenisher must be kept separate from other processes. Savings from reconstituting desilvered fixer overflow for use as
replenisher are possible.
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
——27 ± 380 ± 5 1:00 1.2 L
¶¶The wash rate given in this table assumes that the final wash is composed of three countercurrent-wash stages with squeegees between stages.
Final Rinse
***The final rinse contains a wetting agent to promote more efficient squeegeeing of the film strand prior to drying. The Proxel GXL or Spectrus NX1106
controls biological growth in the tank.
FR-2 FR-2R 27 ± 380 ± 5 :10 400 mL R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
Dryer Type Temperature RH Air Flow Time
Impingement 57°C (135°F) 15% to 25% 5000ft
/min 3 to 5 min.
43° to 49°C
(110° to 120°F)
15% to 25% 5000ft
/min 5 to 7 min.
Lubrication 35 mm
16 x 18 mm
Full-coat lubrication