
A-61003 September 1993
Transport Jog
Programmable Keys
(P Keys)
Film Advance
(if applicable)
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Keys/Indicators Function
Film Advance When filming, used to advance film without making an exposure. Provides
blank film between images or at the end of a roll of film. Film is advanced as
long as the key is pressed (2.5 inches per second; or 0.5 inches if the key is
pressed for less than one second).
When scanning, this key is not used.
Programmable Used to perform specific functions. The P Keys have default values; any or
Keys all of the defaults may be overridden/reprogrammed at installation.
(P Keys)
Jog Used to momentarily turn on (jog) the transport system.
Transport Jog Used to help clear document jams.