2-4 A-61124 March 1999
Fault recovery
Fault recovery methods are required when unanticipated
circumstances interrupt scanning, such as a document jam. The
two methods described below meet the needs of most users.
However, other methods may be used.
Before beginning fault recovery, make sure all the
images and headers have been transferred from
the image buffer to the host system.
Interactive/online method
Use the Interactive/online method when your primary concern is
that the database has no duplicate images.
Follow these steps to use the Interactive/o nline method:
1. At the host system, search through the most recently scanned
files to determine which images have been scanned and
2. Find the last successfully scanned image. Record the
Sequential ID Number and/or the image address assigned to
the last successfully scanned image.
3. Sort through the stack of documents being scanned to find the
document that produced the last successfully scanned image.
You will have to rescan all of the documents that follow the last
successfully scanned document.
4. Download the Sequential ID Number and/or the Next Image
Address using a scanner-unique command (DC and HC,
respectively). The value(s) you download should correspond
to the document following the last successfully scanned image.
5. Begin scanning the documents that follow the last successfully
scanned document.
Batch/offline method
Use the Batch/offline method when your primary concern is
efficient use of time, duplicates in the database do not present a
problem, and there is adequate space in the database for the
duplicate images (same images with different Sequential ID
Numbers and image addresses).
Follow these steps to use the Batch/ offline method:
1. Remove the stack of successfully scanned documents from
the exit hopper.
2. Take the last three or four documents from the top of the stack
and put them into the feed tray or at the top of the next stack
of documents.
3. Begin scanning the documents.