A-61124 March 1999 A-1
Appendix A Glossary
A number of documents to be scanned as a group.
Bi-tonal image
An unscreened image that consists of pixels which are either
black or white (1 bit/pixel), as opposed to gray scale (screened)
images which consist of pixels which are assigned a value based
upon a range of gray shades.
An operation that determines any system nonuniformity for which
the scanner must compensate during scanning. The unit must be
calibrated at least once a day or after power has been turned on.
Charge-coupled device (CCD)
A light-sensitive, solid-state device used to convert image
information (light) to electrical signals as a document is scanned.
Compression is used to reduce the number of bytes needed for
scanned document images, thus saving storage space and/or
transmission time. This is accomplished with special algorithms
that use run-length encoding.
Continuous tone images
Images, such as photographs, which can assume all possible
shades of gray.
Technique used to capture a desired portion of an image. Allows
the entire document to be scanned without all document data
being stored.
Digitized image
Image data represented by binary ones and zeros.