Operations (Step 6 Operations with a Web Browser)
6-4 Settings with a Web Browser (1. Other Settings) (continued)
Item Effect
DHCP Sets whether to use DHCP.
IP Address
Changes to the address allotted or approved by the network
administrator. (This can be changed only when DHCP is not used.)
Subnet Mask Sets the value provided or approved by the network adminis-
trator as in the case of IP address.
(This can be changed only
when DHCP is not used.)
Default Gateway Specifies the IP address for the default gateway. If the default
gateway is not to be used, enter “” here.
(This can be
changed only when DHCP is not used.)
Host Name Maximum 8 alphanumerical characters can be entered. Specify
the host name when access link is established by a host name
in a DNS (Domain Name System) environment. The host name
is displayed on the title bar of each sub window.
Leave this field blank if the host name is unknown or unnecessary.
MAC Address Unique physical address of the unit. Cannot be changed.
Program Version The firmware version of VN-C10. Cannot be changed.
Password Passwords for accessing VN-C10. Maximum 8 characters.
User Level Enter the user password.
Operator Level Enter the operator password.
Administrator Level Enter the administrator password.
Cache Control There are a few types of proxy server that caches CGI. With a
proxy server of this type, select [No Cache].
FTP Server Function Select whether to enable or disable the FTP server function. With
this function enabled, user html pages, gif images, jpeg images,
etc. can be uploaded to VN-C10 using general FTP client software.
All uploaded files are stored directly under the [user] folder.
It can be accessed as in with
a Web browser. (“” denotes the VN-C10 IP address
when “aaa.html” stored in the FTP server is referred to.)
The FTP server name is fixed to [Administrator]. Use the
administrater password.
Default Page The VN-C10 top page is specified as the default page. If this func-
tion is enabled, the specified html file is used as the default page.
The default page is the one displayed when only IP address is speci-
Even with this function enabled, if the specified html file
does not exist, the message, “404: Not found” is displayed
when is accessed. Ensure that the
appropriate file name is entered.
Items in the [Other] screen
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