2-4 Other Settings with V.Networks Setup Tool [10.
FTP Server
Preparations (Step 2 Setting the Network)
Using FTP client software, HTML pages, GIF and JPEG images can be uploaded.
Start up [V.Networks Setup Tool] and select [FTP Server].
Select whether to enable or disable the FTP server func-
● The FTP server name is fixed to [Administrator] and also use the password for the adminis-
● For the FTP user area, approximately 300 kB are allotted.
● All uploaded folders are stored directly under the [user] folder. It can be accessed as in
“” with a Web browser. (“” denotes the VN-C10
IP address when “aaa.html” is refered to.)
● Folders cannot be created in the VN-C10 FTP server. Only uploading, deleting and renam-
ing of files are possible.
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