
Points of Interest (POI)
Select the POI required.
The map location of the POI is displayed.
Note: If entering a POI name results in too
many matches being listed, try entering
the city name first. If you do not know the
name of the POI you want, try selecting a
POI category.
Entry by City
If a city name is entered first, the points of
interest listed will be restricted to that city.
From the Input POI Name screen,
touch City.
The screen now shows ‘Input City Name’.
Enter the city name required.
Touch List to display the list of
possible cities.
Select the city required.
The Input POI screen is displayed again.
Enter the POI name required.
Entry by Category
If a POI category is selected first, the
points of interest listed will be restricted to
that category.
From the Input POI Name screen,
touch Category.
The screen shows the list of main POI
Select the category required.
The screen now shows the list of
sub-categories under the selected main
Select the sub-category required.
The Input POI Name screen is displayed
Enter the POI name required.
Other Selection Methods
The previous examples show the three
basic methods of searching the POI
database, i.e. POI name only, city before
POI name, and category before POI
name. You can refine the search even
further, as described in the following