Audio System Source
Auto memory (A MEM)
The automatic memory function
programmes the nine strongest
stations on a selected waveband
to presets 1 to 9.
Note: These are additional to the preset
stations described earlier.
To activate this function, press and hold
A MEM button for at least 2 seconds.
The radio will be briefly muted while it
searches the waveband for the nine
strongest stations. When programming is
complete the radio will default to preset
number 1 and audio volume is restored.
If stations cannot be located for all preset
positions, those that are found will be
allocated positions commencing with
number 1, leaving the remainder not
programmed. The display will show NO
FM or NO AM as appropriate.
To switch between the A MEM preset
stations and your own presets, press and
immediately release the A MEM button.
A MEM with radio data system (RDS)
If the A MEM function is operated while in
RDS mode, the radio will be muted briefly,
while a search is made for the nine
strongest RDS stations.