10 11
Once you have selected the mobile as one of the functions for your softbuttons, a Mobile tab will appear in the
Jabra Control Center.
You will be able to clear your paring list, thereby deleting the mobile phones paired to the controller. Once you
have clicked Clear pairing list — the controller will automatically enter a pairing mode.
By clicking on Enter pairing mode, the controller will enter pairing mode and you are now able to pair the
controller to a mobile phone — see the section on pairing your controller to a mobile phone, above.
Answering an Incoming Mobile Call
When a call arrives at your mobile phone, you will hear a ring tone in the headset and the controller will ash
blue and green. To answer the call, tap the soft button that you assigned to the mobile phone. When you are
done talking, tap the same button again to hang up.
Placing a Call over Your Mobile
To place a call with your mobile phone while using your controller, simply dial your mobile phone as usual.
Usually, the audio will be sent to your headset automatically whenever it is in range of your mobile phone.
Please see your mobile phone manual for details about how your specic mobile phone interacts with a Bluetooth
device and which, if any, conguration settings are available for this feature.
TroubLeshooTIng & faQs
Q: I have pairing problems?
A: Make sure that the controller is in paring mode, indicated by a solid blue light. See the instructions in the user
manual of that particular mobile to make sure that the mobile is also in paring mode.
Q: I cannot hear anything in my headset?
A: Make sure that the controller is selected as audio device on both the computer in the Control Panel and in the
application you are using.
Q: My computer does not detect the controller?
A: Try to insert the controller in another USB port.
Q: The computer does not automatically assign the headset as the default audio device?
A: You can always select the headset as your default audio device manually.
- Go to the Control Panel on your computer.
- Open the menu Sound and Audio devices. When inserted you can select the headset (It should appear as
Jabra Link 280) as your default device for Sound playback and Recording.
- Press Apply and then press OK.
If you are using Macintosh — Go to System preferences on your computer. When inserted you can select the
headset in the Sound menu under Output and Input.
need more heLP?
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