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The Settings Tab
The options on the Settings tab enable you to control the Audio protection (Intellitone).
Use the settings in the Audio protection (Intellitone) area of the Settings tab to set the hearing-protection level
of your headset.
Hearing risk is evaluated as a function of both volume and duration. Therefore, the maximum sound level should
be lowered as the number of hours you spend using the headset increases. The controller oer a choice of four
protection levels. These features protect your hearing by preventing acoustic shocks and limiting the maximum
noise exposure from the headset during your workday. This system is called Intellitone™, which is only available
from Jabra. All protection levels (including “none”) also feature Peakstop™, which oers protection against
sudden, loud audio spikes.
All three Intellitone levels above (other than “none”) meet and exceed de facto global protection levels, and are
compliant with NIOSH standards and EU health and safety codes of 85 dB(A).
In the Audio protection (Intellitone) area, mark the radio button for the Intellitone level that matches the number
of hours in which you use the headset each day.
If you are using a Lync 2010 softphone you need to switch to Lync 2010 in the Settings tab as the primary target
softphone for your calls.
Important: Check your local laws or regulations to nd out whether a specic protection level is mandated in
your area.
The Softbutton Tab
The settings on the Conguration tab enable you to assign functions to the soft buttons of the controller
(labeled × and O, respectively).
Use the drop-down lists here to select from the available functions for each of the two soft buttons. Once
congured, you will be able to trigger these functions by pressing the corresponding button on the controller.
Often, you will congure these buttons to control the Bluetooth connection to your mobile phone. *See “Pairing
the controller with Your Mobile Phone”, below, for details about how to do this.
If you want stereo sound for playing music, your phone needs to support A2DP.
Updating the controller Firmware
Firmware updates can sometimes improve the performance of your controller and/or add new features. Visit
the Jabra web site to nd out if rmware updates are available for any of your Jabra products. You will be able to
download the updates from there as they become available.
WARNING: Do not remove the controller from your PC while the rmware is being updated and make
sure your computer will not shut down or go into sleep or standby mode during the process. (Should
a disconnection unintentionally occur, please retry from step 1)
To apply a rmware update:
1. If you have not already done so, then attach your controller to your computer.
2. If you have not already done so, then download the rmware update from Jabra and save it on your hard disk
or network in a location where you can see it from your computer.
3. On your PC, use the Start menu to run the rmware-update application of the Jabra PC Suite.
4. Follow the instructions on your screen to identify your controller model, select the rmware update le and
apply it. See also the Jabra PC Suite online help for more details.
how To use The conTroLLer wITh a mobILe Phone
The controller includes a Bluetooth circuit, which enables the controller to connect directly wirelessly to a mobile
phone or another Bluetooth sound source. When connected to a mobile phone, you will be able to answer and
end calls using the buttons of the Jabra LINK 280 controller.
Pairing the controller with Your Mobile Phone
To use your controller with a mobile phone, you must pair the controller with your phone. Once they are paired,
the controller will automatically connect to the mobile phone whenever it is in range (i.e., you should only need
to pair the two devices once). The controller must remain connected to your computer, because it requires
power from the USB connection.
To pair your controller with a mobile phone:
1 Connect your controller to your computer and run the Jabra Control Center (see above).
2. Go to the Softbuttons tab of the Jabra Control Center. Here you see two drop-down lists for assigning
functions to each of the soft buttons of the controller.
3. Decide which of the two soft buttons you would like to use to control your mobile phone. Open the matching
drop-down list and select Mobile from the list.
4. The controller now lights blue, which indicates that the controller is in pairing mode. This means that it is
advertising itself for pairing with other Bluetooth devices.
5. Make sure that Bluetooth is active on your mobile phone and put your phone into Bluetooth nding mode.
The exact procedure for doing this varies by mobile phone manufacturer and model — see your mobile
phone manual for details.
6. Your phone now looks to see if any nearby Bluetooth devices are advertising themselves for pairing — this
should include your controller. Use your phone’s controls to identify and select the “Jabra LINK 280” device.
Your phone may also ask for the controller’s pass code. The pass code for all Jabra devices is 0000 (four zeros);
if necessary, enter this code into your phone and commit the code (e.g., by pressing on an OK button).
7. Your phone will now attempt to connect to the Jabra LINK 280 controller and then shows you the result of the
attempt. If the attempt fails, please try again. If you are still having trouble, please check your mobile phone
documentation and/or contact technical support for Jabra and/or your mobile phone.
*check you mobile manual for instruction on how to pair to controller.