
The first thing to do is to check all of the crates according to the packing slip to ensure
that everything has been delivered. Next, identify each crate as to its contents. The
packing slip is written out by crate or carton to help you find the proper components that
will be needed for set up. It will take two or more people to assemble properly and
1-1 Field Torque Procedure
MaxFlight recommends using the Turn-of-the-Nut procedure for all bolts.
Turn-of-the-nut tightening process encompasses a low initial “threshold” torque to achieve “snug nut”
condition followed by a prescribed amount of nut/bolt turning to develop the required pre-load. Nut/bolt
rotation through a prescribed amount eliminates the influence of all friction variables relative to final
accuracies. A one half turn from snug tight on a bolt having a grip length of less than 8 inches will induce
pre-load equal to or slightly over the bolts’ rated proof load. For bolts greater than 8 inches, two-thirds of a
turn beyond snug tight is recommended.
1-2 Assembly Instructions
1. Locate the crates containing the A-Frame assemblies. Uncrate the A-Frame(s)
and seek out the center sections. Lay out all of the other pieces to ensure everything
is there.
2. Locate the ½”-13 x 1” bolts and lock washers, 16 of each for both A-Frames. The
8” C-Channel can be loosely bolted to the bolt able leg assemblies, one right and one
left forward leg assembly gets 4 ea. ½X 13 X 2” hex heads and lock washers, rear
facing leg assembly gets 4 ea ½ X 13 X 1” hex heads and lock washers Lower the lift
block from top to bottom of A frame with serrated bearing block area facing outward.
Locate and install A frame top stop to the A frame top weldment using 2 ea ½ x 13 x
1.5” grade 8 hex head and lock washers. Take this assembly and mount same to the
top of upright leg assembly using 4-ea ¾ x 10 x 2.5” grade 8 hex head and lock
washers. Hold uprights in such a way to ensure that lift block moves freely up and
down along complete guide keyways, torque ¾” bolts then the ½” bolts. Locate one
fwd and one rear cabinetry braces position accordingly near base of C channel.
Locate one fwd and one rear A frame brace 4” C channel and place near base. Locate
4-ea ½ x 13 x 1.5” hex head and lock washers and place near base each end for two.
Locate 4 ea ½ x 13 x 1” hex head and lock washers and place near the top area. Lift
fwd brace into position with angle cut up. Install top two bolts and washers finger
tight. Repeat for rear. Hold cabinet brace in position outside bottom of brace, install
two 1.5” bolts and washers finger tight. Repeat same other side. Using a framing
square right angle both cabinet braces to the brace steel and torque bolts in place.
Torque top bolts on brace each side in place. Repeat the above procedure for the
other A frame. DET-014.
3. Stand the A-Frame up and have someone hold it while you install the A frame
lateral stabilizers facing outward on uprights. Use two 3/8/x/18 x 1” Allen cap bolts
and lock washers, torque in place. Repeat procedure for second A frame. DET-011