SE11-043 Dual Seat F/S Joystick Layout
SE11-062 Main Power box end to end
SE11-062A Interface board end to end
SE11-062B UPS Battery Backup end to end
SE11-062C Command Console power strip end to end
SE11-062D CPU end to end
SE11-062E Monster Truck HAAP box (CIB1000) end to end
SE11-062F Flight Sim HAAP box (CIB1000) end to end
SE11-062G Cockpit power strip end to end
SE11-062H A frame power strip (Cockpit) end to end
SE11-062I Main power box inverters end to end
SE11-071 E-Stop Control Cable Layout
SE11-072 E-Stop Power Box Circuit
NOTE! All the electrical and mechanical drawings are contained on the Manual CD-Rom
under “ DRAWINGS” and can be opened up in the “Adobe Reader” which must be
installed on a computer before viewing.
Hitachi Projector Settings for
Models 220 and 270
To obtain the best possible picture from these new style projectors the following settings
are he ones we at the factory set into the projector electronics.
8. Turn computer ON, have video signal present at the projector.
9. Turn cockpit power ON
10. Turn projector lamp power ON, using remote.
11. When lamp is bright and signal present using the remote select and set the
following parameters;
a. Select Menu ----all items are default settings except ASPECT, this must be
set to the second icon in or 16:9
! As the projector ages, some or all items may require adjustments
to bring the picture back into line. See the manual for item functions.
12. Input Menu
a. Select RGB
b. Auto
select auto adjust for RGB input
13. Image Menu
a. Keystone to “0”
b. Mirror - H Invert
c. Start Up – Turn ON
14. Options Menu
a. Volume to “0”