
point operations. This is expected to be particularly useful
for the calculations involved in many fi nancial transactions.
Decimal calculations are often used in fi nancial applica-
tions and those done using other fl oating point facilities
have typically been performed by software through the
use of libraries. With a hardware decimal fl oating point
unit, some of these calculations may be done directly and
Liberating your assets with System z
Enterprises have millions of dollars worth of mainframe
assets and core business applications that support the
heart of the business. The convergence of service oriented
architecture (SOA) and mainframe technologies can help
liberate these core business assets by making it easier
to enrich, modernize, extend and reuse them well beyond
their original scope of design. The z10 EC, along with the
inherent strengths and capabilities of a z/OS environment,
provides an excellent platform for being an enterprise hub.
Innovative System z software solutions from WebSphere
, Rational
and Lotus
strengthen the fl exibility of
doing SOA.
Evolving for your business
The z10 EC is the next step in the evolution of the System
z mainframe, fulfi lling our promise to deliver technol-
ogy improvements in areas that the mainframe excels
in—energy effi ciency, scalability, virtualization, security and
availability. The redesigned processor chip helps the z10
EC make high performance compute-intensive processing
a reality. Flexibility and control over capacity gives IT the
upper edge over planned or unforeseen demands. And
new technologies can benefi t from the inherit strengths of
the mainframe. This evolving technology delivers a compel-
ling case for the future to run on System z.
The z10 EC continues the line of upward compatible main-
frame processors and retains application compatibility
since 1964. The z10 EC supports all z/Architecture-compli-
ant Operating Systems. The heart of the processor unit is
the Enterprise Quad Core z10 Processor Unit chip which
is specifi cally designed and optimized for mainframe sys-
tems. New features enhance enterprise data serving per-
formance as well as CPU-intensive workloads.
The z10 EC, like its predecessors, supports 24-, 31-, and
64-bit addressing, as well as multiple arithmetic formats.
High-performance logical partitioning via Processor
Resource/Systems Manager
) is achieved by
industry-leading virtualization support provided by z/VM.
z10 EC Architecture
Rich CISC Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
894 instructions (668 implemented entirely in hardware)
Multiple address spaces robust inter-process security
Multiple arithmetic formats
Architectural extensions for z10 EC
50+ instructions added to z10 EC to improve compiled
code effi ciency
Enablement for software/hardware cache optimization
Support for 1 MB page frames
Full hardware support for Hardware Decimal Floating-
point Unit (HDFU)
z/Architecture operating system support
Delivering the technologies required to address today’s IT
challenges also takes much more than just a server; it
requires all of the system elements to be working together.
IBM system z10 operating systems and servers are
designed with a collaborative approach to exploit each
other’s strengths.