The z10 EC has been designed to offer high performance
and effi cient I/O structure. All z10 EC models ship with two
frames: an A-Frame and a Z-Frame, which together sup-
port the installation of up to three I/O cages. The z10 EC
will continue to use the Cargo cage for its I/O, supporting
up to 960 ESCON
and 256 FICON channels on the Model
E12 (64 I/O features) and up to 1,024 ESCON and 336
FICON channels (84 I/O features) on the Models E26, E40,
E56 and E64.
To increase the I/O device addressing capability, the I/O
subsystem provides support for multiple subchannels
sets (MSS), which are designed to allow improved device
connectivity for Parallel Access Volumes (PAVs). To sup-
port the highly scalable multi-book system design, the z10
EC I/O subsystem uses the Logical Channel Subsystem
(LCSS) which provides the capability to install up to 1024
CHPIDs across three I/O cages (256 per operating system
image). The Parallel Sysplex Coupling Link architecture
and technology continues to support high speed links pro-
viding effi cient transmission between the Coupling Facility
and z/OS systems. HiperSockets provides high-speed
capability to communicate among virtual servers and logi-
cal partitions. HiperSockets is now improved with the IP
version 6 (IPv6) support; this is based on high-speed TCP/
IP memory speed transfers and provides value in allowing
applications running in one partition to communicate with
applications running in another without dependency on
an external network. Industry standard and openness are
design objectives for I/O in System z10 EC.
The z10 EC has fi ve models offering between 1 to 64 pro-
cessor units (PUs), which can be confi gured to provide
a highly scalable solution designed to meet the needs
of both high transaction processing applications and On
Demand Business. Four models (E12, E26, E40 and E56)
have 17 PUs per book, and the high capacity z10 EC
Model E64 has one 17 PU book and three 20 PU books.
The PUs can be characterized as either CPs, IFLs, ICFs,
zAAPs or zIIPs. An easy-to-enable ability to “turn off” CPs
or IFLs is available on z10 EC, allowing you to purchase
capacity for future use with minimal or no impact on
software billing. An MES feature will enable the “turned
off” CPs or IFLs for use where you require the increased
capacity. There are a wide range of upgrade options avail-
able in getting to and within the z10 EC.
The z10 EC hardware model numbers (E12, E26, E40, E56
and E64) on their own do not indicate the number of PUs
which are being used as CPs. For software billing pur-
poses only, there will be a Capacity Identifi er associated
with the number of PUs that are characterized as CPs. This
z10 EC Model