
Function: Change the attributes of transient data queues.
Description: The SET TDQUEUE command changes
some of the attributes of a transient data queue. The queue
must not be REMOTE or INDIRECT.
You cannot alter the following attributes unless the queue is
fully disabled:
To disable a transient data destination, the queue must not
currently be in use. If it is in use, the queue enters a “disable
pending” state. The last unit of work (UOW) to use the queue
fully disables it. The TRIGGERLEVEL, OPENSTATUS, and
ENABLESTATUS attributes may be altered regardless of
whether the queue is enabled or disabled. The value of the
ENABLESTATUS attribute cannot be altered while a queue
is in a “disable pending” state.
A transient data queue cannot be disabled:
While it is in use
While tasks are waiting to use it.
Indirect and remote queues can be disabled at any time
because they have no concept of being “in use”.
If tasks are waiting to use an extrapartition queue, a
physically recoverable queue, or a nonrecoverable
intrapartition queue and an attempt is made to disable the
queue, the queue enters a “disable pending” state. The last
task to use the extrapartition queue fully disables it.
If an attempt is made to disable a logically recoverable
intrapartition TD queue when there are UOWs enqueued
upon it, the queue enters a “disable pending” state. The last
UOW to obtain the enqueue fully disables the queue. If a
UOW has updated a logically recoverable queue and suffers
an indoubt failure, the queue cannot be disabled until the
indoubt failure has been resolved.
If a UOW owns an enqueue on a queue that is in a “disable
pending” state, it is allowed to continue making updates.
When a queue is in a “disable pending” state, no new tasks
can alter the queue’s state or its contents. A disabled
response is returned when a READQ, WRITEQ, or
DELETEQ request is issued against a destination that is in a
“disable pending” state.
Note: If a task updates a logically recoverable transient
data queue, and attempts to disable the queue and
alter an attribute of the queue (for example,
ATITRANID) within the same UOW, the call fails. This
is because the UOW is a user of the queue, and the
queue enters a “disable pending” state. The SET
operation on the queue attribute, in this case
ATITRANID, fails. The queue does not become fully
disabled until the UOW commits or backs out at
syncpoint. You are recommended to issue an EXEC
CICS SYNCPOINT command before attempting to
update the queue attribute (ATITRANID) using SET
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT SET TDQUEUE (the minimum abbreviation is
CEMT S TD) with destid or ALL. You get a display that
lists the current status, similar to that obtained by CEMT
INQUIRE TDQUEUE. You can then tab to the
highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the
required values.
) or ALL,
followed by one or more attribute settings that you wish
to change. For example, cemt s td(value)enop will
make a named extrapartition queue accessible by
applications and open.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line
gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect
─ ─CEMT Set TDqueue ─┬ ─(value) ─────────────
─ ─┬ ───────────────────── ─┬ ────────── ──────
└┘─TRIggerlevel(value)├ ─ENabled──
─ ─┬ ──────── ─
specifies the identifier (1-4 characters) of a transient
data queue.
All specifies that any changes you request are made to all
resources of the specified type that you are authorized
to access.
The queue is closed.
The queue cannot be accessed by applications, although
it can still be open. A queue that has suffered an indoubt
failure cannot be disabled.
The queue can be accessed by applications.
The extrapartition queue is open.
specifies the number (0-32767) of requests for output to
a queue that there must be before automatic transaction
initiation (ATI) occurs. Specifying zero disables ATI.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 203