
Function: Change the status of networks.
Description: If you are familiar with network names, you
may prefer to use this command as an alternative to CEMT
on page 204). However, CEMT SET NETNAME cannot be
used for APPC sessions.
“netname” is the name by which the remote system or
terminal is known to the network. The remaining operands for
NETNAME are identical to those for TERMINAL.
Netnames need not be unique, and you cannot specify a list
of names.
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT SET NETNAME (the minimum abbreviation is
CEMT S N) with netname or ALL. You get a display that
lists the current status, similar to that obtained by CEMT
INQUIRE NETNAME. You can then tab to the
highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the
required values.
Type CEMT SET NETNAME (CEMT S AUTO) with netname or
ALL, followed by one or more attribute settings that you
wish to change. For example, cemt s n(netname) i at
will reset the named remote system or terminal to
inservice and available for use.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line
gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect
─ ─CEMT Set Netname ─┬ ─(value) ─────────────
─ ─┬ ───────────────── ─┬ ────────────── ──────
└┘─PRiority(value)├ ─PAgeable─────
─ ─┬ ──────────── ─┬ ─────── ─┬ ─────── ───────
─Inservice── ─ATi─── ─TTi───
─Outservice─ ─NOAti─ ─NOTti─
─ ─┬ ──────────── ─┬ ────────── ───────────────
─PUrge────── ─ACquired─
─Forcepurge─ ─COldacq──
─ ─┬ ────────── ─
specifies the name by which the remote terminal is
known in the network.
ACquired (
vtam only
CICS is in session with the logical unit represented by
the terminal.
specifies that any changes you request are made to all
resources of the specified type that you are authorized
to access.
ATi (
vtam only
The terminal is available for use by transactions that are
initiated automatically from within CICS or, if the terminal
is an ISC session, by transactions that are using this
session as an alternative facility to communicate with
another system.
AUtopageable (
vtam only
Pages after the first in a series are to be written to the
terminal automatically.
COldacq (
vtam only
This is a special form of ACQUIRED, where no
resynchronization is required. If the previous session
abended, the use of COLDACQ overrides CICS integrity
control. This could lead to integrity problems. Also, you
should check the CSMT log for an activity keypoint after
the restart of a session following a CICS failure. If there
is no activity keypoint, you should issue COLDACQ
again after the next emergency restart.
CReate (
vtam only
If the terminal is not in session, CICS is to acquire it if it
is needed to satisfy an ATI request. This cannot be
specified for IRC sessions.
All transactions running with this terminal are
immediately terminated abnormally. Data integrity is not
guaranteed. In some extreme cases (for example, if an
error occurs during backout processing), CICS might
terminate abnormally.
Inservice (
vtam only
The terminal is available for use. For VTAM, INSERVICE
means that the terminal can be ACQUIRED.
NOAti (
vtam only
The terminal is not available for use by transactions that
are initiated automatically from within CICS or, if the
terminal is an ISC session, by transactions that are
using this session as an alternative facility to
communicate with another system.
Note: A terminal cannot be defined with both NOATI
and NOTTI.
NOCreate (
vtam only
If the terminal is not in session, CICS is not to acquire it
to satisfy an ATI request. A session must be started by,
for example, a logon request or a CEMT SET
TERMINAL ACQUIRED command before the ATI
request can be satisfied.
190 CICS Supplied Transactions