
Serial Port Speed Setup Menu
1. Serial port 1 speed:
Currently 9600
2. Serial port 2 speed:
Currently 9600
98. Return to Previous Menu
A speed of 9600 baud or higher is recommended. Valid serial port speeds are shown
50 600 4800
75 1200 7200
110 2000 9600
134 2400 19200
150 2400 57600
300 3600 115200
Telephone Number Setup Menu
Use the menu to set or change the telephone numbers for reporting a system failure.
Telephone Number Setup Menu
1. Service Center Telephone Number:
Currently Unassigned
2. Customer Administration Center Telephone Number:
Currently Unassigned
3. Digital Pager Telephone Number:
Currently Unassigned
4. Customer Voice Telephone Number:
Currently Unassigned
5. Customer System Telephone Number:
Currently Unassigned
98. Return to Previous Menu
v Service Center Telephone Number is the number of the service center computer.
The service center usually includes a computer that takes calls from servers with
call-out capability. This computer is referred to as the
. The catcher expects
messages in a specific format to which the service processor conforms. Contact your
service provider for the correct service center telephone number to enter here. For
more information about the format and catcher computers, refer to the README file
in the AIX /usr/samples/syscatch directory.
v Customer Administration Center Telephone Number is the number of the System
Administration Center computer (catcher) that receives problem calls from servers.
Contact your system administrator for the correct telephone number to enter here.
56 44P Series Model 170 User’s Guide