1. Boot to SMS Menu:
Currently Disabled
2. Service Mode Boot from Saved List:
Currently Disabled
3. Service Mode Boot from Default List:
Currently Disabled
4. Boot to Open Firmware Prompt:
Currently Disabled
98. Return to Previous Menu
Boot Mode Menu
Allows users to configure the system to automatically start a specific function on the
next system start. This configuration applies to the next boot only and is reset to the
default state of being disabled following a successful boot attempt.
v Enabling the Boot to SMS Menu option
Causes the system to automatically enter the System Management Services menu
during the boot process. Enabling this option is equivalent to pressing 1 on the
attached ASCII terminal (or F1 on a graphics terminal) while the system initialization
indicators display on screen.
v Enabling the Service Mode Boot from Saved list option
Causes the system to automatically enter the Stand-alone diagnostics (see
“Standalone Diagnostic Operation” on page 112 for more on Stand-alone
diagnostics). Enabling this option is equivalent to pressing 5 on the attached ASCII
terminal (or F5 on a graphics terminal) while the system initialization indicators
display on screen.
v Enabling the Service Mode Boot from Default List option
Causes the system to automatically enter the Online Diagnostics in Service Mode
(see “Online Diagnostics Modes” on page 109 for more Online Diagnostics). Enabling
this option is equivalent to pressing ’6’ on the attached ASCII terminal (or F6 on a
graphics terminal while the system initialization indicators display on screen.
v Enabling the Boot to Open Firmware Prompt option
Causes the system to automatically enter Open Firmware prompt (also called the OK
prompt). Enabling this option is equivalent to pressing 8 on the attached ASCII
terminal (or F8 on a graphics terminal) while the system initialization indicators
display on screen (see page 149 for more information about Open Firmware prompt).
If more than one option is enabled, the system recognizes only the option
corresponding to the smallest menu number. For example, If options 4 and 2 were
enabled, the system recognizes only Option 2: Service Mode Boot from Saved List.
After a boot attempt, all enabled options are disabled. In effect, the system throws
away any menu options that are enabled after the option with the highest priority (the
option with the smallest menu number) is executed.
Chapter 3. Using the Service Processor 49