
Set Service Mode Service Aid
The Set Service Mode service aid enables you to determine the location of a partic-
ular disk drive module and to remove that module from the system unit. It causes
the check light of that disk drive module to come on for identification, and it stops all
SSA link activity through the module. Only one disk drive module at a time can be in
the service mode.
Before using this service aid, you must make the selected disk drive module unavail-
able to the using system; otherwise, an error occurs.
SSA disk drive modules can be maintained concurrently; that is, they can be
removed, installed, and tested on an SSA link while the other modules on the link
continue to work normally. If a disk drive module has its check light on, you can
remove that module from the SSA link without taking any special actions.
If a disk drive module does
have its check light on, the SSA link that passes
through it might still be active, even though the disk drive module itself might not be
working. You must put that module into the service mode before you remove it from
the SSA link.
If you quit the Set Service Mode service aid, the service mode is reset.
To use the Set Service Mode service aid:
1. Select SET SERVICE MODE from the SSA Service Aids menu (see “Starting the
SSA Service Aids” on page 7-31). A list of physical disk drives (pdisks) is dis-
│ Move cursor onto selection, then press Enter.
pdisk 11111111 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk1 22222222 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk2 33333333 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk3 44444444 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk4 55555555 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk5 66666666 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk6 77777777 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk7 88888888 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
pdisk8 99999999 -4-P 9.1 GB SSA F Physical Disk Drive
│ F3=Cancel F1=Exit
Chapter 7. Using the Service Aids 7-33