
A check condition can be returned when there is nothing wrong with the bus
or device.
AIX does not allow the command to be sent if the device is in use by another
SCSI Tape Utilities Service Aid
This service aid provides a means to obtain the status or maintenance information
from a SCSI tape drive. Only some models of SCSI tape drive are supported.
The service aid provides the following options:
Display time since a tape drive was last cleaned.
The time since the drive was last cleaned is displayed on the screen. In addition,
a message whether the drive should be cleaned also displays.
Copy a tape drive's trace table.
The trace table of the tape drive is written to diskettes. The required diskettes
must be formatted for DOS. Writing the trace table may require several diskettes.
The actual number of required diskettes will be determined by the service aid
based on the size of the trace table. The names of the data files have the fol-
lowing format:
'TRACE<X>.DAT' where 'X' is a sequential diskette number. The complete trace
table consists of the sequential concatenation of all the diskette data files.
Display or copy a tape drive's log sense information.
This service aid provides options to display the log sense information to the
screen, to copy it to a DOS formatted diskette, or copy it to a file. The file name
LOGSENSE.DAT is used when the log sense data is written on a diskette. The
service aid prompts for a file name when the log sense data is copied to a file.
Service Hints Service Aid
This service aid reads and displays the information in the CEREADME file from the
diagnostics source (diskettes, disk, or CD-ROM). This file contains information that
is not in the publications for this version of the diagnostics. It also contains informa-
tion about using this particular version of diagnostics.
Use the Enter key to page forward through the information or the - (dash) and Enter
keys to page backward through the file.
Chapter 7. Using the Service Aids 7-21