v For +10, the daylight saving time settings are as follows: off, ea (Eastern
Australia), tas (Tasmania), vlad (Vladivostok).
v The year must be from 2000 to 2089, inclusive.
v The month, date, hours, minutes, and seconds can all be single-digit values (for
example, 9:50:25 instead of 09:50:25).
v GMT offset can be in the format of +2:00, +2, or 2, for positive offsets, and -5:00
or -5, for negative offsets.
x345RSA> clock
12/12/2003 13:15:23 GMT-5:00 dst on
x345RSA> clock -d 12/31/2004
x345RSA> clock
12/31/2004 13:15:30 GMT-5:00 dst on
resetsp command
Use the resetsp command to restart the Remote Supervisor Adapter II or Remote
Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine. You must have at least Advanced Adapter
Configuration authority to be able to issue this command.
update command
update -i TFTP_server_IP_address -l filename
Use the update command to update the firmware on the Remote Supervisor
Adapter II or Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine. To use this command, you
must have at least Advanced Adapter Configuration authority. The firmware file
(specified by filename) is first transferred from the TFTP server (specified by its IP
address) to the Remote Supervisor Adapter II or Remote Supervisor Adapter II
SlimLine and then flashed. The -v option specifies verbose mode.
Note: Make sure that the TFTP server is running on the server from which the file
will be downloaded.
Option Description
-i TFTP server IP address
-l File name (to be flashed)
-v Verbose mode
110 Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine and Remote Supervisor Adapter II: User’s Guide