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33.2 Conversion Tools
33.2.1 VSE/ESA Facilities
VSE/ESA 2.3 added a new function useful for developing an inventory of a
VSE/ESA system′s jobs, including the so-called hidden JCL found in standard
label areas and in standard assignments. The VSE/ESA JCL Analyzer is included
in ICCF library 59 as a sample source program that can be tailored to extend its
Output from the JCL Analyzer is a Comma Delimited Text file, in a format
suitable for processing by programs on PCs, such as Lotus′ 1-2-3 spreadsheet or
the VisualAge Application Understanding tools running on OS/2 or Windows NT.
The Application Understanding tool can display a graphical analysis of the JCL
job stream.
You can find further details at the following Web sites:
For an overview, see
VSE/ESA Enhancements Version 2 Release 3
, SC33-6629.
Note that this facility is available via PTF for VSE/ESA 1.4, 2.1, and 2.2, as well as
2.3. Member ARDWREAD in ICCF library 59 is a detailed description of the JCL
Analyzer. Sample jobstreams are provided along with the programs required.
While the IBM OPTI-AUDIT product was originally developed for performing an
assessment of Year 2000 readiness, it is also an excellent tool to use when
performing the similar set of activities associated with a VSE to OS/390
conversion; that is, taking an inventory and assessment of the programs, data
sets and JCL that will be converted.
IBM OPTI-AUDIT for VSE Version 1.1.0 is a new program offering that enables
you to perform a static analysis of VSE libraries and build an inventory of all
programs contained on your VSE system. This is a vital first step in your year
2000-readiness planning. IBM OPTI-AUDIT is a powerful tool designed to assist
you with your migration from an earlier VSE SP or ESA system to a current
VSE/ESA Version 2 system. It can also be used when converting from VSE/SP or
VSE/ESA system to OS/390.
IBM OPTI-AUDIT for VSE monitors the execution of batch jobs extracting
job/program/file cross-referencing information. Use IBM OPTI-AUDIT as a source
scanning facility on COBOL source code.
IBM OPTI-AUDIT for VSE produces a variety of reports to manage the year-2000
conversion process, including:
520 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook