Table 32. Useful COBOL Publications
Publication Title
COBOL for OS/390 and VM Compiler and Run-Time Migration Guide
COBOL for OS/390 and VM Language Reference
COBOL for OS/390 and VM Programming Guide
COBOL for VSE/ESA Migration Guide
COBOL for VSE/ESA Programming Guide
OS/390 Language Environment Migration Guide
Taking Advantage of IBM Language Environment for VSE/ESA
12.3 Converting from DOS/VS COBOL
If you are converting from VSE/SP or VSE/ESA 1.1, then you are running DOS/VS
COBOL. In this case your source programs will have to be converted to COBOL
for OS/390 and VM. Consider using a conversion aid such as COBOL and CICS
Command Level Conversion Aid, running under OS/390, to help you.
If you are converting from VSE/ESA 1.2 or 1.3, then the conversion aid,
CCCA/VSE, is available. CCCA/VSE converts your source code from DOS/VS
COBOL to COBOL for VSE/ESA. COBOL for VSE/ESA source code is compatible
with COBOL for OS/390 and VM, so you can then transfer your code to OS/390
for compilation and linkediting.
If you are converting from VSE/ESA 1.4 or VSE/ESA 2, then you also have the
option to do a staged conversion. If you have COBOL for VSE/ESA and Language
Environment for VSE/ESA installed on your system, you can convert your
DOS/VS COBOL applications to COBOL for VSE/ESA and LE/VSE, and run them
in your VSE system. When you are satisfied that they are running correctly, you
can transfer the compiled object code to OS/390 for linkediting.
12.3.1 DOS/VS COBOL CICS Programs
OS/390 and COBOL for OS/390 and VM do not support CICS macro-level code. If
you have any programs written in macro-level CICS you must convert them to
command-level CICS.
COBOL for OS/390 and VM does not support BLL cells. If you use BLL cells in
your CICS programs, you must modify the programs to remove them. CCCA will
assist in making these changes.
When compiling DOS/VS COBOL CICS programs, the CICS translator did not
require any particular option to indicate that the program being translated was
DOS/VS COBOL. If you recompile your DOS/VS COBOL programs with COBOL
for VSE/ESA, you must specify the CICS translator option
COBOL2. If you
recompile your DOS/VS COBOL programs under COBOL for OS/390 and VM, you
must supply one of the CICS translator options
252 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook