
4.2 Reverse Telnet
Using the SpotLine M110 Terminal as a Terminal Server
A Reverse Telnet functionality has been added to the SpotLine M110
Terminal which allows any serial terminal to be connected to
the system using Serial Port 1 and/or Serial Port 2 on the SpotLine M110
You must do the following to properly configure the Reverse Telnet
a) Go to the Set-up Menu of the SpotLine M110 Terminal by
System Key (Scroll Lock or Alt) + Esc
b) Go to Port Configuration and in the Type field select Rtelnet.
Set the remaining line characteristics as you intend to set them in the
Serial Terminal.
That is you must use the same entries for speed, data, parity, stop and
flow on both terminals. Select the Host you intend to use from those
in the Host Table, if the Host you want to use is not in the
Host Table, please add it.
If you wish to be able to identify the physical terminal connected to a
serial port, You may use the TERM field as described in section
4.1.3.a of this manual.
c) Save and Exit
The SpotLine M110 Terminal and a serial terminal (perhaps a
SpotLine 110 serial terminal) are now ready for use. You will see a
message displayed on the serial terminal “Strike Enter to Connect”
(Note: if you don’t see this, try striking the space bar).
You may now run both (or three if you set up both serial ports) telnet
terminals on your network.