
4.1.3.a Term:
The field TERM was added to the Set-up Menu to enable physical
locations to be identified. All Telnet connections to a host computer are
assigned a pseudo TTY as the connection is made, thus the same
terminal is not always the same TTY. We have added the field TERM
as a means of addressing this issue.
During a Telnet connection the content of the Unix TERM variable is
sent to the host from the SpotLine M110 terminal as defined in the
emulation field on the Sessions menu.
Ansi SCO sends ansi
VT100 sends vt100
VT220 sends vt220
and so on....
Adding the field TERM in the Sessions menu allows a method to
always identify that session in Unix.
If you are using SCO UNIX and want Session 1 to be known as
Terminal 15 then you must do two things:
a) Change the TERM field from DEFAULT to ansi 15
b) In the Unix host, modify the .profile file for this user as follows;
set ‘echo $TERM‘
export TERM TNB
Now any application can read the Unix variable and know this is
terminal 15
CAUTION: If you modify the .profile file but do not change the field
no harm is done only the application won’t know the terminal number,
but if you change the TERM field from DEFAULT to ansi 15 and do
not modify the .profile file for this user, then Unix will not recognize
the terminal type.