
The PTF must be applied to all systems in the sysplex in order for these
enhancements to take effect. However, systems with and without the PTF applied
can coexist in the sysplex, and there is no requirement to IPL all systems in the
sysplex when the PTF is applied.
Note: PTF UW90293 is not shipped with OS/390 Release 2 Security Server
(RACF). You must obtain it and install it after you install OS/390 Release 2
Security Server (RACF).
Function Not Upgraded
Figure 5 identifies function that has not been updated for OS/390 Release 2.
Figure 5. Function Not Upgraded
Function Description
Report writer The RACF report writer has not been enhanced since RACF 1.9.2,
and will not be enhanced in the future. Although it can process the
SMF records created by RACF on OS/390 Release 2, it cannot report
on any new function, except for certain RACF enhancements
automatically handled by the report writer, including:
SETROPTS options that affect new RACF classes
Access successes or failures for resources in new RACF classes
Installations using the RACF report writer function must change to
another reporting package in order to obtain full reports from RACF
SMF records. The RACF SMF data unload utility, IRRADU00, has
been enhanced to unload SMF data for new functions, and can be
used as a vehicle for creating a reporting function.
12 OS/390 V1R2.0 Security Server (RACF) Planning: Installation and Migration